
Would just like to say thankyou the service you give right from booking through to dropping us back at the airport is fantastic all the staff are very friendly doing the paperwork was so simple we were there for about 5 mins then on our way thankyou again will definitely be in touch for next year.

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Great Services

These guys are the best car hire company I have ever used. They earn and  deserve a great reputation. Efficiency, uncomplicated, no hidden extras, great price, great service. They also helped me in a difficult situation this year. I have been using them for years and will continue. Highly recommended.

corfucarrentalsGreat Services
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Excellent service

I found the service that Value Plus give is excellent. From when I was met at the Airport, the quickness of the paperwork, to the ease of returning the vehicle. Everything was made simple, and I’m so glad I took the no nonsense insurance cover as I unfortunately damaged to vehicle. Even that was greeted with a “no problem, we’ll sort that out

corfucarrentalsExcellent service
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Excellent Service Yet Again!!!

Cannot fault this car hire company.  Always at the airport to collect from flight – used for 11 years and never let us down.  Cars are excellent, service fantastic.  No dodgy deposits or hard sell of insurances/extras etc., etc.  Easy car drop-off at their office just 5 minutes from airport and then immediate passenger delivery back to airport – hassle-free and fully trustworthy.  Many thanks to all of you.

corfucarrentalsExcellent Service Yet Again!!!
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Steven H

The best car rentals place on the planet, let alone just Corfu. Yannis is the best guy EVER. The “robot” is a lovely lady. Emma is always there for you. I rent a lot of cars in many different counties. This by far is the best yet. 5 stars all round for value and service. I’m going to return to Corfu, just so I can hire another vehicle from Value Plus. WELL DONE.

corfucarrentalsSteven H
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Mike and Briony

Hi and thank you all
Great Car , great time , great people.
Hope to see you again in September !
Mike and Briony
corfucarrentalsMike and Briony
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Bardzo cieszę się, że znalazłam “Value Plus Rent a Car”. Wszystko odbyło się sprawnie i bezproblemowo. Zarezerwowaliśmy autko na dzień przed przylotem. Na lotnisku czekał na nas Pan z kartką z naszym nazwiskiem, zaprowadził nas do firmowego autka, które następnie zawiozło nas do biura oddalonego o 5 min. drogi. Tam wszystko potoczyło się błyskawicznie. Podpisaliśmy dokumenty, zapłaciliśmy i dostaliśmy autko. Duży plus za to, że można było zapłacić gotówką, firma nie blokuje karty kredytowej, nie trzeba płacić żadnego depozytu, a dodatkowo za płatność kartą jest jeszcze 10% zniżki. Cenowo wychodzi taniej niż przez pośredników. Warto wziąć pełne ubezpieczenie, gdyż drogi na Korfu są bardzo wąskie, a ludzie różnie jeżdżą 😉 Lepiej zapłacić i mieć spokojną głowę 🙂 Mieliśmy Fiata Punto, dla naszej dwójki + 2 dzieci z tyłu w fotelikach było akurat. Autko dawało radę na trasie i na stromych podjazdach. Jedynie tankowanie mogłoby być do pełnego baku a nie do 3/4 baku, byłoby prościej. Przy zdawaniu autka nie było żadnych problemów, tu również wszystko potoczyło się błyskawicznie, a miły Pan odwiózł nas na lotnisko. Ogólnie wszystko na 5+, obsługa bardzo miła i pomocna. Polecam!

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Dear Value Plus team

Dear Value Plus team,

We are writing to tell you how delighted we were with our recent car rental.

On arrival were met at the airport by a very friendly young man, then taken directly to pick up our car. The handover was dealt with by a very friendly young lady. We were shown the car by another very friendly man who explained everything we needed to know. We were given an open top Peugeot 108 which was an absolute joy to drive, thank you so much!

On returning the car at the end of our stay, once again we were met by another very friendly man who drove us straight to the airport.

We have hired many cars over the years but have never had such brilliant service. Thank you all so much, we will certainly be using you again the next time we visit Corfu.

Yours most sincerely

Angela and Tony Stant

corfucarrentalsDear Value Plus team
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Nous sommes rentrés de voyage et nous voulions vous remercier de votre professionnalisme et efficacité

à l’occasion de notre réservation de véhicule à Corfou ; nous vous recommanderons à nos amis.

Merci à Yannis et à toute son équipe

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Just wanted to thank everybody at ValuePlus for the fantastic service my wife and I received last week during our holiday to Corfu. It started with the Guy at the airport who picked us up, through to Debby at the office, the guys who moved our case from the pick up vehicle and placed it in the back of our higher car and then the guy who took us back to the airport. I’ve hired cars many times before but never had such a professional yet friendly service. I’m only sorry I don’t know all the people involved names as I would have liked to mention them individually. I’ve worked in sales all my life and bang on about its the people that make a company and get the repeat business and the team at Value plus are the best I’ve every come across. You’ve set the bar so high I do not expect another hire form will get close to you. I hope this reach’s the Owner/MD as he has an amazing team working for him. I will happily refer you on any chance I get and when we return use you without question, many thanks again Alan and karen

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